The significance of a JULY 15 birthday and your future
July 15 VS Cancer
The family-oriented, hard-working July 15th person is the nurturing worker bee of society. Whether at home or on the job, you're an enthusiastic, responsible member of your community. You're drawn to everything that is peaceful and beautiful, including the beauties of the natural world. Moreover, you are apprecia-tive of, and possibly gifted in, the musical, dramatic, and literary arts. Although you are ambitious and determined to "make it" professionally, people mean more to you than material things. Charming and generally easy to get along with, you know how to make others feel comfortable and welcome in any setting or situation.
Those born on this date are very much a part of the world, despite being deathly afraid of hurt and rejection.You love having people around you, even though your sensitivity to their vibrations makes you feel extraordinarily vulnerable. An observer of the human condition, you delight in watching other people's reactions and studying their moods and temperaments. Your powers of observation and analysis make you especially well suited to an artistic, literary, or scientific career.
Relationships are all-important to you, but they don't always turn out as you hope they will. An idyllic vision of love has you imagining a life of endless harmony. At the first sign of serious trouble, you may withdraw to the solitude of your crab shell.
How to wish a belated happy birthday
1. Though I'm late, blessings are never too late.
2. Happy Birthday, here are my belated wishes for you.
3. May our friendship be as evergreen as this late wish.
4. The wish may be late, but not my care for you, Happy Birthday!
5. Sending you the most sincere wishes, even though they are late.
Whatever you do, you try to do to the best of your ability. You have talent in many directions, particularly in creative and artistic fields. Yet it doesn’t matter whether you like to sew, cook, paint, play music, write, or perform. There is within you that which takes pride in perfection and will never be satisfied with second best. You are dependable and conscientious. Be open, frank, and honest, and you can have peace of mind. When you give your word, you are sure to keep it, no matter what personal inconvenience it may cause you. Fond of your family and friends, you also like to be shown that they like you. Life is cold and empty for you without mutual love. The true ardor of life is in living it fully, and at this you are a master.
You have wonderful intuitive and psychic powers, uncanny perception, and a vivid imagination. Although you are inclined at times to fret and worry, you are generally even-tempered, loving, and kind. You possess a quick wit and are fond of collaboration. You probably will be fortunate in finding a compatible partner who supports your endeavors.
Seek the advice and help of wise relatives. You can accomplish a brilliant piece of work with little strenuous effort if you channel your dreams into productive avenues. Do not reject systematic methods. A well-planned routine, strictly followed, will bring the best results. Guide others by example rather than by too much verbal direction.
You are a good networker and could have the excellent ability to make and keep friends of all kinds. You have a good head for business but are a dreamer in your early youth, a trait you outgrow as you become somewhat more practical. Your wicked sense of humor is a saving grace that will help you out of many difficulties. You are prone to being sensitive and psychic, but it is probably not wise for you to depend only on this, as you are never sure of it. An extremist in all that you do and think, you have a lot of gratitude for your many blessings. You will have great success along certain lines, but whether it is financial success or not depends upon whether you make it your chief interest in life.
You have a quick mind and a strong personality, with little tolerance for those not so well equipped. You should cultivate more patience.
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